The CoreBoot Daily Driver: Using It In Public

When you have a laptop one thing you often find yourself doing is going to a coffee shop; so I decided to do a test run with my NovaCustom laptop and even write this blog post while at the coffee shop.

First off was slightly annoyed getting my Bluetooth headphones to work in Xubuntu, but it ended up working.

Let’s start with the battery life I was able to get three hours of use before even real world use; I was writing this article while listening to a professional Counter-Strike match [ESL Challenger Melbourne 2024] in the background.

Got a few odd looks due to having no standard logo and I think I was the only person at the café using a non-apple branded laptop which was kinda odd but funny in its own way.

The temps also where great the whole time I think the hottest it got was 50 when the sun was hitting the laptop. This machine would be a great mobile warrior gear at only 14-inches.