Anyone who’s been reading my blog or following my social media posts knows I got a rig made by the amazing team over at NovaCustoms, and I’ve pre-wrote a bunch of posts to release over the course of a month containing my first reactions to using the machine full time as my daily driver.
NovaCustom has not had any feedback on these posts, but I have waited to post encase I had a problem or glitch with software or issue I can get some info or fix rather than just getting angry.
I might even make a more complete write-up on using the machine and post it on the main blog.
Now onto my first day with the machine; I got the machine February 28th of 2024 and while the machine first came with Ubuntu I ended up wiping the OS and loading Xubuntu for these tests. I likely won’t stick with Xubuntu for the long run, but it’s a good lightweight OS I can use for testing.
I am going to try my best to avoid using any closed source software, but I know there is no way to totally avoid closed source apps.